Naoufel Mzoughi

Chargé de Recherche (PhD, HDR)


Naoufel Mzoughi


Tel: +33 4 32 72 25 94

CV [pdf]


Economie comportementale & expérimentale - Economie écologique & de l'environnement - Droit & Economie - Economie néo-institutionnelle


Nudges; biais cognitifs & comportementaux; écologisation de l'agriculture; transition (agro)écologique; considérations émotionnelles & identitaires; incitations morales & sociales; biens de position et de statut; jugement moral; actions (non)éthiques; menus de sanction; intelligence artificielle et durabilité; approches volontaires (standards, écolabels).

Autres: Utilisation stratégique des scandales, Effets bénéfiques de la pratique du silence.

Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Targeting the sin or the sinner? Applying Kahneman's insights to frame environmental messages for better waste management. Environmental & Resource Economics, SI commemorating the contribution of Daniel Kahneman, (with G. Grolleau & L. Meunier).
  • Perceptions of justice: Assessing the perceived effectiveness of punishments by artificial intelligence versus human judges. Review of Law & Economics, forthcoming (with G. Grolleau & M. Mungan).
  • Perceptions of food waste: Is there a numerosity bias? Journal of the Economic Science Association, forthcoming (with G. Grolleau & L. Solaroli).
  • Longer vs. shorter denominations of unemployment and inflation rates: An experimental survey. Economics & Business Letters, 2025, 14, 2, forthcoming (with G. Grolleau & C. Weber).
  • Why university social responsibility initiatives can backfire and what to do about it? Prometheus - Critical Studies in Innovation, 2024, 40, 1, 32-46 (with G. Grolleau & M. Stadge).
  • Punishment menus and their deterrent effects: An exploratory analysis. European Journal of Law & Economics, 2024, 58, 1, 1-19 (with G. Grolleau & M. C. Mungan).
  • The timing of (green) incentives: Exploiting opportunity windows. International Review of Environmental & Resource Economics, 2024, 18, 4, 491-521 (with G. Grolleau & E. Prost).
  • The advantages of being disadvantaged. KYKLOS, 2024, 77, 759-775 (with A. Bohas & G. Grolleau).
  • Quiet environments and the intentional practice of silence: Towards a new perspective in the analysis of silence in organization. Industrial & Organizational Psychology, 2024 (with A. Asselineau & G. Grolleau).
  • Polluting for (higher) profits: Does an economic gain influence moral judgments of environmental wrongdoings? Ecological Economics, 2023, 213, 107963 (with G. Grolleau & L. Meunier).
  • Greening the greenwashers - How to push greenwashers towards more sustainable trajectories. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 382, 135301 (with D. Glavas & G. Grolleau).
  • Fluency and the perceived ethicality of corporate social (ir)responsibility. Psychology & Marketing, 2023, 40(5), 954-969 (with G. Grolleau & S. Wright).
  • Eco-innovations and job satisfaction: A moderated mediation approach. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2023, 42, 185-199 (with A. Falchi, G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • The effect of distance on the moral judgment of environmental wrongdoings. Business Strategy & the Environment, 2023, 32(4), 1504-1512 (with G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • Emotional labour in the analysis of farm-based hospitality projects. Hospitality & Society, 2023, 13(2), 103-112 (with G. Grolleau & Q. Talpur).
  • Harnessing the power of words to address the COVID-19 crisis. Administration & Society, 2023, 55(2), 294-307 (with K. Farrow & G. Grolleau).
  • Transforming scandals into entrepreneurial opportunities: The case of the hospitality industry. Hospitality & Society, 2023, 13(1), 29-40 (with G. Grolleau & C. Assaf).
  • Does NGO origin influence moral judgment? A study of the attitudes of Algerian participants towards foreign NGOs. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2023, 52(2), 514-528 (with H. Dib-Slamani & G. Grolleau).
  • Does a company’s origin matter in moral judgment? Business Research Quarterly, 2023, 26(2), 107-120 (with H. Dib-Slamani & G. Grolleau).
  • How research institutions can make the best of scandals, once they become unavoidable. Prometheus, 2022, 38(3), 282-291 (with G. Grolleau).
  • Making change easy is not always good. Review of Behavioral Economics, 2022, 9(4), 315-331 (with G. Grolleau & D. Peterson).
  • Letting offenders choose their punishment? KYKLOS, 2022, 75(4), 607-617 (with G. Grolleau & M. Mungan).
  • Seemingly irrelevant information? The impact of legal team size on third party perceptions. International Review of Law & Economics, 2022, 71, 106068 (with G. Grolleau & M. Mungan).
  • An empirical analysis of the relationship between innovation activities and job satisfaction among French firms. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2022, 133, 103689 (with G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • Why companies might under-communicate their efforts for sustainable development and what can be done? Business Strategy & the Environment, 2022, 31(5), 1938-1946 (with A. Falchi & G. Grolleau).
  • The unexpected power of negative awards. KYKLOS, 2022, 75(3), 385-393 (with J. Celse, B.S. Frey & G. Grolleau).
  • Changing the world with words? Euphemisms in climate change issues. Ecological Economics, 2022, 193, 107307 (with G. Grolleau, D. Peterson, & M. Tendero).
  • A good servant but a poor master: The side effects of numbers and metrics. Administration & Society, 2022, 54(5), 971-991 (with A. Asselineau & G. Grolleau).
  • ‘Robbing a robber is not robbing’. Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance, 2022, 85, 1-7 (with H. Dib-Slamani & G. Grolleau).
  • Is theft considered less severe when the victim is a foreign company? Strategic Change, 2021, 30(5), 501-504 (with H. Dib-Slamani & G. Grolleau).
  • ‘Let's call a spade a spade, not a gardening tool’: How euphemisms shape moral judgement in corporate social responsibility domains. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 131, 254-267 (with K. Farrow & G. Grolleau).
  • How relative concerns affect unethical behaviors. Journal of Economic Issues, 2021, 55, 4, 939-953 (with L. Barbara & G. Grolleau).
  • Does activating legacy concerns make farmers more likely to support conservation programs? Journal of Environmental Economics & Policy, 2021, 10, 115-129 (with G. Grolleau, C. Napoléone & C. Pellegrin).
  • Scandals: A ‘reset button’ to drive change? Organizational Dynamics, 2021, 50(2), 100783 (with G. Grolleau & A. Marciano).
  • The strategic use of scandals. KYKLOS, 2020, 73, 524-542 (with G. Grolleau & A. Marciano).
  • Is a ‘bad individual’ more condemnable than several ‘bad individuals’? Examining the scope-severity paradox. Review of Law & Economics, 2020, 16(3), 20190017 (with G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • Moral judgment of environmental harm caused by a single versus multiple wrongdoers: A survey experiment. Ecological Economics, 2020, 170, 106586 (with G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • When more is not better: Three common mistakes in health messaging interventions. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 2020, 45, 143–152 (with K. Farrow & G. Grolleau).
  • Does higher place difficulty predict increased attachment? The moderating role of identity. Ecological Economics, 2019, 165, 106399 (with L. Hinojosa, E. Lambin, W.G. Villegas & C. Napoléone).
  • Coopetition in innovation activities and firms’ economic performance: An empirical analysis. Creativity & Innovation Management, 2019, 29, 85–98 (with S. Pekovic & G. Grolleau).
  • Attracting employees in developing countries through corporate social responsibility initiatives. Strategic Change, 2019, 28, 1–4 (with L. Barbara & G. Grolleau).
  • Does advertising the green benefits of products contribute to sustainable development goals? A quasi-experimental test of the dilution effect. Business Strategy & the Environment, 2019, 28, 786–793 (with G. Grolleau & A. Sutan).
  • Harnessing the power of identity to encourage farmers to protect the environment. Environmental Science & Policy, 2019, 93, 112–117 (with G. Grolleau & S. Lequin).
  • Less is more in energy conservation and efficiency messaging. Energy Policy, 2018, 122, 1–6 (with K. Farrow & G. Grolleau).
  • Social norm interventions as an underappreciated lever for behavior change in energy conservation. Journal of Energy & Development, 2018, 43, 235–249 (with K. Farrow, G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • Does the identifiable victim effect matter for plants? Results from a quasi-experimental survey of French farmers. Ecological Economics, 2018, 151, 106–113 (with C. Pellegrin, G. Grolleau & C. Napoléone).
  • What in the word! The scope for the effect of word choice on economic behavior. KYKLOS, 2018, 71, 557–580 (with K. Farrow & G. Grolleau).
  • Environmental investments: Too much of a good thing? International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, 197, 297–302 (with S. Pekovic & G. Grolleau).
  • Constraints to farming in the Mediterranean Alps: Reconciling environmental and agricultural policies. Land Use Policy, 2018, 75, 726–733 (with L. Hinojosa, E. Lambin & C. Napoléone).
  • Positional concerns and framing effects in financial preferences. Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance, 2018, 68, 183–189 (with L. Barbara, G. Grolleau, A. Houfaf Khoufaf & Y. Meriane).
  • How status seeking may prevent Coasean bargaining. Review of Law & Economics, 2017, 14, 200160036 (with G. Grolleau & A. Marciano).
  • Behavioral insights for the analysis of green tips. Ecological Economics. 2017, 134, 258–262 (with G. Grolleau & E. Midler).
  • Do you prefer having more or more than others in the workplace? A quasi-experimental survey in Algeria. Managerial & Decision Economics, 2017, 38, 595–606 (with L. Barbara & G. Grolleau).
  • Place attachment as a factor of mountain farming permanence: A survey in the French Southern Alps. Ecological Economics, 2016, 130, 308–315 (with L. Hinojosa, E. Lambin & C. Napoléone).
  • The impact of monitoring and sanctions on cheating: Experimental evidence from Tunisia. Managerial & Decision Economics, 2016, 37, 461–473 (with I. Békir, S. El Harbi, G. Grolleau & A. Sutan).
  • Does future implementation increase public support of a soil conservation tax? International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance & Ecology, 2015, 11, 92–101 (with G. Grolleau).
  • Helping eco-labels to fulfil their promises. Climate Policy, 2015, 16, 792–802 (with G. Grolleau, L. Ibanez & M. Teisl).
  • Les incitations monétaires dans la politique agro-environnementale : peut-on faire mieux avec moins ? Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture & Environnement (continued as Review of Agricultural, Food, & Environmental Studies), 2015, 96, 241–257 (avec G. Grolleau & S. Thoyer).
  • Work recognition and labor productivity: Evidence from French data. Managerial & Decision Economics, 2015, 36, 508–516 (with G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • Environmental management practices: Good or bad news for innovations delivering environmental benefits? The moderating effect of market characteristics. Economics of Innovation & New Technology, 2015, 24, 339–359 (with G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • Do organic farmers feel happier than conventional ones? An exploratory analysis. Ecological Economics, 2014, 103, 38–43.
  • L’écologisation, une voie pour reconditionner les modèles agricoles et dépasser leur simple évolution incrémentale. Introduction au Dossier « Écologisation des politiques publiques et des pratiques agricoles ». Natures Sciences Sociétés, 2013, 21, 161–165 (avec C. Napoléone).
  • Is there a relation between workplace atmosphere and innovation activities? An empirical analysis among French firms. Economics of Innovation & New Technology, 2013, 22, 566–580 (with G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • Is business performance related to the registration of quality and environmental-related standards? Environmental & Resource Economics, 2013, 54, 525–548 (with G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • Being the best or doing the right thing? An investigation of positional, prosocial and conformist preferences in provision of public goods. Journal of Socio-Economics (continued as Journal of Behavioral & Experimental Economics), 2012, 41, 705–711 (with G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • How can positional concerns prevent the adoption of socially desirable innovations? Journal of Economic Issues, 2012, 46, 799–808 (with S. Salhi, G. Grolleau & A. Sutan).
  • Do you believe that others are more positional than you? Results from an empirical survey on positional concerns in France. Journal of Socio-Economics (continued as Journal of Behavioral & Experimental Economics), 2012, 41, 48–54 (with G. Grolleau & S. Saïd).
  • Green not (only) for profit: An empirical examination of the effect of environmental-related standards on employees' recruitment. Resource & Energy Economics, 2012, 34, 74–92 (with G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • Farmers adoption of integrated crop protection and organic farming: Do moral and social concerns matter? Ecological Economics, 2011, 70, 1536–1545.
  • How to make promises without having to fulfill them? An application to the Food Stamp Program (SNAP) and rebate schemes. Journal of Economic Issues, 2010, 4, 1085–1094 (with D. Bougherara & G. Grolleau).
  • How cognitive biases can affect the performance of eco-labeling schemes? Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 2009, 7, 10 (with A. Beretti & G. Grolleau).
  • Too much of a good thing? Why altruism can harm the environment? Ecological Economics, 2009, 68, 2145–2149 (with G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • The impact of envy-related behaviours on development. Journal of Economic Issues, 2009, 43, 795–803 (with G. Grolleau & A. Sutan).
  • Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm? Ecological Economics, 2009, 68, 1488–1495 (with D. Bougherara & G. Grolleau).
  • The ‘make or buy’ decision in private environmental transactions. European Journal of Law & Economics, 2009, 27, 79–99 (with D. Bougherara & G. Grolleau).
  • Contracting for environmental property rights: The case of Vittel. Economica, 2008, 75, 412–434 (with C. Déprés & G. Grolleau).
  • Consommer plus ou consommer plus que les autres ? Une analyse empirique des biens de position. Revue Economique, 2008, 59, 701–718 (avec G. Grolleau & T. Lakhal).
  • Déterminants de la diffusion internationale de la norme ISO 14001. Economie & Prévision, 185, 123–138 (avec G. Grolleau & J. Lamri).
  • L’efficacité environnementale de la norme ISO 14001 : un concept aux dimensions multiples. Commentaire sur Thévenot, C., Riedinger, N. La norme ISO 14001 est-elle efficace ? Une étude économétrique sur l’industrie française. Economie & Statistiques, 2008, 411, 21–23 (avec G. Grolleau).
  • Les ‘alliances vertes’ entre les entreprises et les associations de protection de l’environnement : une réelle réconciliation ou une ‘instrumentalisation’ réciproque ? Revue d’Economie Régionale & Urbaine, 2008, 4 : 617–634 (avec G. Grolleau & L. Thiébaut).
  • Please do not pirate it, you will rob the poor! An experimental investigation of the effect of charitable donations on piracy. Journal of Socio-Economics (continued as Journal of Behavioral & Experimental Economics), 2008, 37, 2417–2426 (with G. Grolleau & A. Sutan).
  • An introduction to the economics of fake degrees. Journal of Economic Issues, 2008, 42, 673–693 (with G. Grolleau & T. Lakhal).
  • What drives agrifood firms to adopt ISO 14001 certification? European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2007, 34, 233–255 (with G. Grolleau & A. Thomas).
  • Industrialists hand in hand with environmentalists: How eco-labeling schemes can help firms to raise rivals’ costs. European Journal of Law & Economics, 2007, 24, 215–236 (with G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • Is more information always better? An analysis applied to information-based policies for environmental protection. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2007, 10, 197–213 (with D. Bougherara & G. Grolleau).
  • The characteristics of chemical firms registering for ISO 14001 or Responsible Care. Economics Bulletin, 2007, 12, 1–13 (with G. Grolleau & S. Pekovic).
  • La nouvelle économie des ressources (NER) : panacée ou boîte de Pandore ? Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 2007, 50, 445–464 (avec G. Grolleau & C. Nouira).
  • How can transaction cost economics help regulators choose between environmental policy instruments? Research in Law & Economics, 2012, 25, 105–128 (with D. Bougherara & G. Grolleau).
  • L’élaboration des normes : un ‘nouvel’ espace de compétition ? Une application à la norme ISO 14001. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 2005, 111, 1–28 (avec G. Grolleau).
  • Analyse exploratoire de quelques stratégies de fourniture ‘non publique’ de biens ‘publics’. Cahiers d'Economie & Sociologie Rurales (continued as Review of Agricultural, Food, & Environmental Studies), 2005, 74, 27–45 (avec C. Déprés & G. Grolleau).
  • Overcomplying for profit. Environmental Economics & Policy Studies, 2005, 6, 267–269 (with G. Grolleau).
  • Les instruments volontaires : un nouveau mode de régulation de l'environnement ? Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, 2004, 4, 461–481 (avec G. Grolleau & L. Thiébaut).
  • Public purchasing and eco-labelling schemes: Making the connection and reinforcing policy coherence. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 2004, 15, 131–151 (with G. Grolleau & C. Nouira).
  • Does ethical activism lead to firm relocation? KYKLOS, 2004, 3, 387–402 (with G. Grolleau & T. Lakhal).

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Publications dans les magazines/presse

Autres publications

  • Greenwashing as a tool for positive change. Association of MBAs, 2023 (with D. Glavas & G. Grolleau).
  • Les programmes d’écolabellisation face aux motivations égoïstes ou altruistes des consommateurs et à la nature publique ou privée des attributs environnementaux. INRAE Sciences Sociales, 2011, 2010, 1–4 (avec G. Grolleau & L. Ibanez).
  • Des démarches pas toujours plus contraignantes que les réglementations. Problèmes politiques & sociaux, 2011, 982, 76–77 (avec G. Grolleau & L. Thiébaut).


  • Can words save lives? Harnessing the power of words in addressing the Covid-19 crisis. Webinaire international sur l’impact socio-économique du covid19 dans la zone méditerranée, Université de Meknès, 09 juin, 2020.
  • L’attachement au lieu des éleveurs dans les alpes du sud : une étude exploratoire. Journée de restitution du projet ‘Regards’, Avignon, 04 avril, 2017.
  • Et, comment fait-on en économie ? Atelier « Enquêtes », Ecodéveloppement, Avignon, 06 février, 2017.
  • Place attachment as a factor of mountain farming permanence: A survey in the French Southern Alps. Séminaire Ecodéveloppement, Avignon, 05 septembre, 2016.
  • Economic analysis of voluntary standards in agriculture. OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Trade, Paris, 22 novembre 22, 2013.
  • The non-economic performance of organic farming (OF): An empirical investigation among a sample of French farmers. Workshop “Economic and Non-economic Concerns with regards to Farmers’ Adoption of Organic Farming”, Avignon, 09 mai, 2012.
  • Does adoption of organic agriculture increase farmers’ profits? Workshop “Economic and Non-economic Concerns with regards to Farmers’ Adoption of Organic Farming”, Avignon, 09 mai, 2012.
  • Economie comportementale appliqué aux questions environnementales. Séminaire Ecodéveloppement, Avignon, 12 février, 2012.
  • Adoption de la protection intégrée et de l’agriculture biologique : rôle des incitations morales et sociales. Journées de recherche en sciences sociales INRA-SFER-CIRAD, Montpellier, 9-11 décembre, 2009.
  • Do environmental-related standards contribute to successful recruitment? ICQME, Paris, 27-28 août, 2009.
  • How cognitive biases can affect the performance of eco-labeling schemes? Workshop ‘Quality Promotion through Eco-labeling’, Nancy, 29-30 juin, 2009.
  • Farmers adoption of integrated crop protection and organic farming: Do moral and social concerns matter? Institute of Food and Resource Economics (FOI), Copenhague, 23 avril, 2009.
  • Adoption de la protection intégrée et de l’agriculture biologique : rôle des incitations morales et sociales. Séminaire Réseau PIC, Paris, 31 mars, 2009.
  • Analyse économique des innovations environnementales contribuant à l’écologisation de l’agriculture. Séminaire Ecodéveloppement, Avignon, 21 janvier, 2008.
  • Too much of a good thing? Why altruism can harm the environment? Workshop ‘What makes them work? Theoretical and empirical advances on implementation of ecocertification schemes’, Nancy, 29 juin, 2006.
  • Contracting for environmental property rights: The case of Vittel. Colloque ‘Property Rights, Economics and Environment’, Aix-en-Provence, 25-28 juin, 2006.
  • What drives agro-food firms to seek ISO 14001 certification? JMA, Nantes, 1-2 juin, 2006.
  • What drives agrifood firms to adopt ISO 14001 certification? Conférence de l’AES, Paris, 30-31 mars, 2006
  • Industrialists hand in hand with environmentalists: How eco-labeling schemes can help firms to raise rivals’ costs. Colloque de l’AES, Paris, 30-31 mars, 2006.
  • How can transaction cost economics help regulators choose between environmental policy instruments? Workshop ‘New Institutional Economics and Environmental Issues’, Dijon, 8 décembre, 2005.
  • Déterminants de la diffusion internationale de la norme ISO 14001. Colloque sur l’économie de l’environnement, Alger, 1-2 octobre, 2005.
  • The contractual arrangement between Vittel and farmers: A transaction cost economics analysis. Conférence de l’ISNIE, Barcelone, 22-24 septembre, 2005.
  • Contractualiser sur les droits de propriété environnementaux : le cas de Vittel. Colloque de l'ASRDLF, Dijon, 5-7 septembre, 2005.
  • Contracting for environmental property rights: The case of Vittel. Congrès de l’EAAE, Copenhague, 23-27 août, 2005.
  • Contracting for environmental property rights: The case of Vittel. Séminaire INRA LEF, Nancy, 24 juin, 2005.
  • Williamson et l’économie de l’environnement : une rencontre fructueuse ? Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs de l’INRA, Toulouse, 14-15 mars, 2005.
  • Les instruments volontaires : un nouveau mode de régulation de l'environnement ? Colloque CEA, Ottawa, 29 mai-1 juin, 2003.


  • RETHINK: Rethinking the links between farm modernization, rural development and resilience in a world of increasing demands and finite resources. RURAGRI-ERA-Net, 2013-2015.
  • REGARDS: Résilience des prairies de régions marginales et support pour la gestion de la biodiversité. ERA-Net BiodivERsA, 2012-2015.
  • EPAB: Evolution des performances et formes d'organisations innovantes dans les transitions vers l'agriculture biologique. INRA, Agribio3, 2010-2013.
  • ECOSOL: Les services écosystémiques rendus par les sols: analyse des régimes incitatifs sous-jacents. MEEDDM, GESSOL 2, 2009-2012.
  • ECOLABELS: L'écolabellisation: un mode d'action efficace pour le développement durable? Programme fédérateur "Agriculture et Développement Durable", ANR, 2007-2010.
  • ANTIBOT: Protection biologique contre Botrytis cinerea en culture maraîchère sous abri. Région PACA, 2007.

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